
Observing life, living with joy

Demystifying the ‘God is Self’ Concept for the Modern Soul
Discover how to make spiritual concepts about divinity and Self accessible and beneficial for everyone. Learn why life is a play, and the power of imagination.
Recognizing Your Story’s Twists are Yours to Narrate

Let’s discuss the importance of the stories we share, and those we don’t share. Both are equally significant in shaping […]

Amazing… Secretly my AuDHD mind was never scattered in 1,000 directions!

Society is so clear on the idea that you need to niche down and pick a specialty, an authority. I […]

Remember what you dream & who you love

Hi, I'm Nikki

 For 2024 I am on a year long journey to embody self-love, figure out how to live by inner-alignment, and delight in the healing power of making space to connect deeply with others. 

I practice radical non-judgement, knowing that shame blocks people from observing their natural actions from new perspectives, which is necessary for healthy growth.  

What you’ll find on this site is unique perspectives that reveal the invisible parts of our daily life, written to show that there is always a self-loving perspective possible. 

The secret sauce might be my autistic adhd brain, or lack of a visual inner eye. I’m tuned to understand the abstract mechanics of things; life situations, quantum physics, mysticism. 

I also play mother for three wonderful kids, and play partner for an incredibly kind man. I definitely write about finding your center when it feels like you’re in a zoo, and developing a deeper knowing of what family and team symbolize.

If you ever have a question or comment, please reach out!

“All thoughts are daydreams. When they appear to match our physical surroundings, we get confused and call them reality!” 

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